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Growing Up and Spreading Out: Families Finding Privacy with ADUs


The teenage years mark a period of transition and transformation, both for teenagers and their families. As adolescents seek more independence and privacy, homeowners are exploring creative solutions to accommodate their changing needs. The construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) has emerged as a practical option for families with teenagers looking to provide space and privacy while fostering a sense of autonomy. In this blog, we will delve into the motivations behind homeowners' decisions to build ADUs to offer more privacy to their teenagers, the advantages they bring to family life, and the transformative impact on teenagers and their families.

1. Adolescence and Independence

One of the primary motivations for homeowners to build ADUs for their teenagers is the recognition of adolescence as a time when teenagers crave independence and personal space. ADUs offer a separate living space where they can develop a sense of autonomy while remaining close to home.

2. Enhanced Privacy for Teenagers

ADUs provide teenagers with their own living area, including a bedroom, bathroom, and often a small kitchen or living space. This enhanced privacy allows them to explore their identity and exercise control over their living environment.

3. Encouragement of Responsibility

Living in an ADU can encourage teenagers to take on more responsibilities, such as managing their own space, budgeting for household expenses, and preparing meals. These skills contribute to their development and future independence.

4. Reduction in Family Conflict

During the teenage years, conflicts with parents are common as teenagers assert their independence. ADUs can reduce family tensions by providing a physical space that fosters more peaceful coexistence.

5. Facilitation of Homework and Study

ADUs often include a space for teenagers to do their homework, study, or pursue personal interests. A dedicated study area can improve academic performance and overall focus.

6. Stronger Family Bonds

While ADUs offer teenagers more privacy, they don't necessarily lead to isolation. In many cases, families report stronger bonds as they appreciate their time together more and make it count.

7. Flexibility in Living Arrangements

ADUs provide flexibility in living arrangements, allowing teenagers to move into the unit while they pursue higher education or work. This offers parents peace of mind while their children continue to grow.

8. Aging in Place for Grandparents

In some cases, homeowners use ADUs to house grandparents or elderly family members. This arrangement benefits both teenagers and grandparents, as teenagers gain exposure to different generations and family values.

9. Investment in Future Property Value

The construction of ADUs can increase the overall property value. As teenagers transition to adulthood and potentially move out, homeowners can benefit from increased property value or income from renting the ADU.

10. Creating a Sense of Autonomy

ADUs contribute to a sense of autonomy and self-sufficiency for teenagers, preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities of adulthood.


Homeowners' motivation to build ADUs for their teenagers is rooted in their desire to support their children during a pivotal stage of life. ADUs offer a practical solution to provide teenagers with more privacy, foster independence, and reduce conflicts within the family. As the dynamics of family life evolve, ADUs enable homeowners to navigate these changes while strengthening family bonds and preparing teenagers for adulthood.

The decision to invest in ADUs for teenagers reflects homeowners' adaptability, their commitment to their family's well-being, and their understanding of the importance of fostering independence during the teenage years. These living spaces embody a commitment to family values, the promotion of personal growth, and the creation of an environment that nurtures positive relationships and self-discovery.


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